Mark Andreas is a sculptor, educator, founder of Studio Andreas, and co-director of “Videokaffe” an international art collective. Through his sculpture, Andreas enjoys exploring broad concepts such as what is time, how does it produce change, and how do environmental forces impact or propel such change. His work also focuses on hand craft and its impact on the human experience. Andreas’s artistic approach is informed by his background as a boat builder, sailor, craftsman as well as his love of nature.
Andreas has lectured, taught and offered workshops at Yale University, Aalto University, the University of Tennessee and Silvermine School of Art. Since 2021, Andreas has been teaching sculpture and woodworking at Studio Andreas in Stamford CT.
Andreas has exhibited his art work both nationally and internationally with exhibitions in New York, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Maine, Las Angelas, Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Japan, Germany, Turkey, Finland, Sweeden, Ireland among others. Andreas has public sculpture in Peekskill, New York, and Stockholm, Sweden.
In Memory of a Spruce Connemara, Ireland 2023
Artist Statement
I enjoy exploring the “forces” craft, time, change, growth, ecology and human connections, especially those forces we physically witness. I build hand crafted sculptures by implementing the skills I have honed through years of working as a boat builder, carpenter, and designer. My video performance art with Videokaffe is focused on connecting artists and artist communities globally through digital platforms and live events.